After a few days in the house, as the novelty of our basic accommodation began wearing off and the need for more comfort grew, we started looking around for some extra furniture.
Our Luxurious Accommodation |
Not knowing if we would be keeping the house for ourselves in the long term or renting it out, we visited the local
Emmaüs store in the hope of minimising our spending on furniture. Emmaüs is a well-known charity organisation in France with stores throughout the country selling any number of recycled and second-hand goods at low prices - and all for a good cause. We were amazed at some of the bargains on offer, particularly the old, traditional French style, solid wood furniture, such as dressers and wardrobes on sale for less than 100 euros - if you like that kind of thing.
Solid Wood Furniture at Bargain-Basement Prices |
Thanks to Emmaüs we were able to furnish our downstairs living area with some perfectly adequate, albeit old-fashioned, furniture on a shoestring budget. The deckchairs are gone and we now have the luxury of a dining table, proper chairs to sit on, a sofa for sprawling and a coffee table. As an added bonus, Emmaüs even delivered all this to our door for free!
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